At 122 miles long and 74 miles wide, the San Luis Valley is the largest alpine valley in the world with an average elevation of 7,644 feet. Potatoes are the largest crop grown here, with alfalfa a close second followed by grain (Coors barley, wheat), canola, lettuce, carrots and cattle.

Quartermoon Hay Company, LLC., in Colorado’s San Luis Valley was founded in 2018 by four friends: Todd, Will, Clay and Wes. Hay has been the focus for the majority of our farming careers, although we grow other crops as well.
Thanks to warm days, cool nights and fertile soil, our alfalfa has a high feed value that dairy farmers want.
Alfalfa grown in the valley is favored by Dairies because of high feed value, due to the warm days and cool nights and fertile soil.

Welcome and thank you visiting Quartermoon Hay Company. We are happy you stopped by. For questions regarding our reputation hay and operations, call, text or email us at the information below. We are always happy to help you with your hay needs.
Todd Harrison
Clay Corzine
Lisa Corzine

The older "gentleman ’'on the 1952 JD Model G has been conscripted to write a small blog for the Quartermoon Hay Company website. It will be updated regularly. This picture will demonstrate several facts to be considered in any successful operation:
1. Buy only what you need and can use.
2. Deal with reputable vendors.
3. Regular maintenance is vital.
4. A competent support team is invaluable.
5. Remember accidents and mistakes will happen